Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 7: Pneumonia and the BYU Health Clinic

Hi friends and family! It's week eight and the countdown till Japan is twelve days! 

So this letter will be pretty short and not terribly exciting, mostly because I've been stuck in bed for majority of the last week. In case you were wondering why, I'll tell you my sad tale of woe.

So this week I came down with a nasty cough and a crazy lack of energy. Thursday I woke up with a fever of 103 degrees, and then had to go to urgent care in the BYU Health Clinic. They then told me I had a virus, and sent me home telling me to sleep and I would be better in three days. For the next four days, I had a fever that fluctuated from 100 to 103. Then on Monday I went back to the doctor, got a chest x-ray, and then got deemed with pneuomonia. I got some drugs, and then spent the majority of the day sleeping in the sick bay in the health clinic. Which happened again Tuesday. So basically for the past week or so I've been sleeping and trying to survive. The doctor says I should be good by Monday, so I'm excited for that.

So that's really all for this week, sorry it wasn't terribly exciting. I should have  more adventures this next week as my health improves and I have more of a desire to get out of bed. It's a miracle I'm even writing this much. But it's okay! I got antibiotics and I've got the Lord on my side, and as soon as I'm healthy, I'm going to baptize at least five hundred people!

Thanks for all your love and support! 


Dimmitt Shimai 

Since I was in bed all week pictures...sorry (>人<;)

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