Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bonus! Interesting Comments from Sister Dimmitt

Occasionally, we get other emails from Emma, especially if we have asked her questions, etc.  I thought some people might find it interesting to read other comments from her.

(Entry from her current area.)

Okay, so Oroku is a kinda citish area. All the buildings are concrete because of typhoons. It's kinda like Mexico and Hawaii and Japan all mixed together. There are lots of bright colors and flowers everywhere. Also these things called Shisa, also everywhere. The people here are very nice and very tan. Much more relaxed than people in Fukuoka. Also louder with more PDA. Lots of little kids and old people. It's way hot here. Like the humidity is 80% I think in the 90's? I don't know you can check that one. The wind is also crazy strong, which doesn't help biking up all the huge hills here. We live by ourselves in a huge apartment. They grow dragonfruit and bananas and dragonfruit here. My legs are dang sore from biking so much recently. 

The Lord really knows me, and when I need tender mercies. This week was dang hard. Like dang hard. I almost bawled at every hill we saw. But the Lord still loves me, through things like obaachans who take pity on us and give us cold tea to drink, or seeing the ocean, or teaching me lessons even when I don't deserve the extra help


(The rest of these entries are from her previous area.)

Anyways, Ill share some highlights. This week we had a basketball activity, and we invited the ward and this rugby team that were friends with right now. It was so fun! About six of our rugby friends came and some other missionaries and ward members and a couple of investigators as well. It was way fun. I thought I would hate basketball, but I actually loved it! I get way crazy on the defense thing. Two of the boys ended up coming to church! They were kinda weirded out, but it was still way good! 

We also saw the investigator who walked the goat. He said that if he were God, he would bomb the earth, because they were all coming back to him anyways. And he bought us both huge tubs of ice cream to eat whenever we came over to his house. That's our investigator. 


This week we were heading home and I was leading. I turned around after a couple of minutes to see my companion not there. I biked back to where we were at and she still wasn`t there, so I called the Assistants to the President. We were separated for about 45 minutes or so before I finally found her again. That was scary. 

As for my abilities, I`m really grateful for the Spirit, because if I was trying to convert people to my church without it, membership would be a negative five. I`m trying to love my mission. 


But something that's been a lot on my mind recently has been diligence. This transfer has been really hard. Not gonna lie. We've not gotten a single investigator this entire transfer, and currently we have one who's not doing so hot. Something I think the Lord has been testing me on is if I really am in this or not. Will I still continue to work hard even if I don't see the blessings? Will I continue to be obedient if I don't  have hope that that can help me or the work in this area? 

I related diligence, as well as faith to meringue. So in order to make meringue, you have to beat egg whites for a gajillion years until it turns into this fluffy foam that looks very much not like egg whites at all. Usually I use an electrical mixer, but because I'm on a mission, there is currently not one avaliable. So if I want to make meringue. I have to do it by hand with a whisk. Which takes five zillion years. And since I'm a weakling it hurts and takes longer. So you have to beat, and beat, and beat. And you feel like your arm will fall off, but you know that these slimy egg whites can turn into fluffy meringue because you've seen it before, and the recipe promises it will happen. And sometimes you have to take breaks because your arm hurts. But eventually, it turns foamier and foamier until you have beautiful stiff peaks of meringue. 

Currently my arm hurts a lot, but because I've been promised by the recipe that I'll see the much desired stiff peaks of meringue, I'm still beating. My arm's gonna be real buff by the end of the mission. 

Thank you to everyone for all your prayers and support. I really appreciate them. Every little prayer counts. I love you all! 

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